The exact rate and content of our activities depends on the needs and interests of the membership - and the board is happy to listen to all ideas!
Marc Thompson, chair (marc.thompson[at]
Katariina Henttonen, vice-chair
Iballa Burunat Perez, secretary and supervisor of sport affairs
Fabienne Silberstein-Bamford, treasurer (fabienne.c.silberstein-bamford[at]
Fabienne Silberstein-Bamford, treasurer (fabienne.c.silberstein-bamford[at]
Joshua Silberstein-Bamford, PR and communication
Minttu Ollikainen, substitute board member
The best way to keep track of the upcoming events is to follow the association's Facebook page, this blog or our mailing list. All new members are added on the mailing list by default.
In order to join the association, please email treasurer Fabienne Silberstein-Bamford with your contact information (name and email address) as well as your affiliation to the department (discipline and title). The annual membership fee of €15 should be transferred directly after this to the association's bank account:
- Account name: Musiikin, taiteen ja kulttuurin tutkimuksen
- Address: PL 35, 40014 Jyväkylän yliopisto
- IBAN: BE17 9050 5532 0521.
- Please enter "membership fee 2024" in the message field.